Monday, July 7, 2008

Congregation as resource...

One of the things I really appreciated about the "More Franchises" event was that it recognized that congregations across the UCCan are exploring ministry in a variety of ways - and worked to bring that experience to light in the workshops.

While I'm not casting any aspersions on the keynotes - they were fantastic - what I really appreciated was the practical, useable, do-able stuff I got from each workshop.

This begs a question for me... has anyone got any ideas how we can share the practices and ministries that are going on in our congregations? I think the General Council Offices have done great work around this in a number of areas - but I also think we need some way of saying (humbleness optional), "This is working at St. Quark's-on-the-Spin United Church. We're excited about it. Take it. Change it. Use it. Your kilometrage may vary."

Some of us post resources we've written to the web. (Shameless plug no. 1: (Shameless plug no. 2: (Don't worry... it's all free to use stuff. *grin*) Sometimes Presbyteries have "sharing sessions" so we can learn from communities and congregations close by. Sometimes groups of colleagues get together around a topic, bring together their resources on it, and create something new and wonderful (or old and wonderful!)

What other ways can we share what we're doing to work with the Spirit?

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