Friday, June 27, 2008

more franchises

The more franchises event was a positive experience. It certainly let us know that the United Church in Canada is evolving in positive ways and that it is certainly not time to throw in the towel. Sharing our successes and our failures will help us become a stronger church not only in our own faith community but in the greater community around us. We are a richly blessed church and through events like this one we can only grow. Thanks be to God.


bkmorris said...

Interested in knowing what criteria or intuitive sense guided the presentations and workshops?
As richly varied as they were, and frustrated that i could get to more of them, i noticed the poverty of themes to do with justice/mission themes? To be sure, I got Doug Norris' invaluable urban theology present and will follow up with him, too. I give thanks for the thurs day long chance, too, to follow up on the whole "Empire" theme that our church affirmed and encourages follow-up -- though another workshop or presentation, on the Friday or Saturday on this, would also have immensely helped. But, pray tell, is there a current malaise, perhaps an eclipse, on the justice nature of our shared ministries -- perhaps, unduely lef to merely "virtual reality" modes and content, these hectic days?

Bid you all, meanwhile, the Shalom of Christ... barry k. morris

Shelley's Garden said...
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Unknown said...

The franchise is one of the most famous forms of getting people involved in self employment. It is one of the beneficial because this business comes with the tools to run an organization with lower risk.

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